Areas of Expertise
Delta Partners International provides training and consulting services across a wide range of topic areas. We can provide training for analyst, associate and managing director levels in areas ranging from financial modeling and financial markets to commodity markets and trading. Click here to download a list of our areas of coverage.
Custom In-house Programs
Delta Partners expert consulting trainers can work closely with your team to provide specialized training across a wide range of topic areas. These customized programs are developed using a needs analysis approach combined with the consulting trainer meeting directly with you and your staff to identify specific topics and content that directly relate to the requirements of your firm. Our consulting trainers are located globally and recognized as highly skilled in multiple topic areas. Click here to see sample in-house programs.

Public Programs
Delta Partners also provides open enrollment courses for your convenience. Our highly skilled instructors have significant practical experience to provide participants with the best learning environment. We cover a wide range of topics from financial markets modeling to derivative pricing, trading and valuation. Check back often as these courses change regularly based on market demand and current economic conditions. Course descriptions are described on the linked page, which also provides for online sign-up for these courses.
Delta Partners International has designed and developed a unique simulation for operations management that is entirely computer-based. In addition, we have partnered with multiple simulation providers for simulations of financial markets, portfolio management, credit management, pension fund management and bank management. These simulations provide hands-on experience for participants allowing them to gain an intuitive understanding of these situations. Post-simulation individualized diagnostics combined with the evaluation of the consulting trainer provide a rich learning environment.